BANOVA - Hierarchical Bayesian ANOVA Models
It covers several Bayesian Analysis of Variance (BANOVA)
models used in analysis of experimental designs in which both
within- and between- subjects factors are manipulated. They can
be applied to data that are common in the behavioral and social
sciences. The package includes: Hierarchical Bayes ANOVA models
with normal response, t response, Binomial (Bernoulli)
response, Poisson response, ordered multinomial response and
multinomial response variables. All models accommodate
unobserved heterogeneity by including a normal distribution of
the parameters across individuals. Outputs of the package
include tables of sums of squares, effect sizes and p-values,
and tables of predictions, which are easily interpretable for
behavioral and social researchers. The floodlight analysis and
mediation analysis based on these models are also provided.
BANOVA uses 'Stan' and 'JAGS' as the computational platform.
References: Dong and Wedel (2017) <doi:10.18637/jss.v081.i09>;
Wedel and Dong (2020) <doi:10.1002/jcpy.1111>.